Fees and taxes


Student fees are paid in instalments:

  1. The first instalment represents the registration fee and is the same sum for everybody 
  2. Subsequent instalments may vary, according to:
    • the Department to which one is registered;
    • The study regime selected (full or part-time);
    • The economic status of the student’s family, “ISEE Statement for financial assistance in the Right to Higher Education”, issued by 31 October 2024
    • Student merit (only for registration in second year and onward)

Students who are not up-to-date with fee payments may not request or receive certificates, attend lessons, take exams or participate in any other university activity; they are also prohibited from receiving financial support from the University and/other organisations (public and/or private) in partnership with the University (student collaborations, tutoring allowances, study grants, enrolment/fee assistance or other financial aid).

In the event of unpaid fees and taxes, or in the event of failure to return sums released erroneously (study grants, study awards, contributions or benefits) for any reason (including international mobility), the student may be suspended from studies.

Suspension will occur also in the event of unpaid sums to the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education or failure to meet deadlines for administrative procedures, even after being solicited by email.

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Basic glossary of terms

To understand the university fee system better, you need to know some fundamental technical terms that you will encounter in this section:

ISEE:  An equivalent economic status index, which allows evaluation of a household’s annual income (see the specific section)

ISPE:  An equivalent patrimonial status index, which allows evaluation of a household’s property and assets status.

COA (Annual All-inclusive Fee):  this is divided into five instalments. It covers tuition, academic and administrative services and differs according to course and study regime selected. It is calculated also on the basis of income and assets as stated in the ISEE certificate.

No-Tax Area:  This identifies conditions for COA exemptions.

VUPO+:  This is the calculation parameter that considers ISEE status and ISPE figures, and represents the overall sum due by students who are not eligible for No-Tax Area exemption status.