We are deeply dedicated to promoting the health and well-being of individuals and communities. Our initiatives span research, education and community engagement to advance public health, preventive medicine and overall well-being.
From innovative healthcare projects to awareness campaigns, we are committed to building a positive impact on the physical and mental health of our communities, contributing to a healthier and more resilient society.
Ageing Project
The DIMET Ageing Project is an all-round project for research, training and public engagement on the topic of ageing. We tackle the challenge, both scientific and social, based on four pillars: interdisciplinarity, translationality, support for research and teaching, involvement of the territory.
Through our research activities, we wish to help answer some fundamental questions about ageing:
• why do we age and why do we age in poor health?
• why do some diseases only occur in older people?
• Is it possible to reduce the burden of diseases and disabilities during ageing?
• how can we improve treatment and care?
Through the training of all professions that have relevant roles in the organisation and management of healthcare companies, we wish to promote the adoption of innovative solutions to adapt the structures and processes of the Healthcare Service to the ageing population. We also want to train future researchers in interdisciplinary and innovative research, including basic, clinical and organizational research and public health research.
Through public engagement, we aim to share knowledge and practices of healthy ageing with the local community through events, publications and demonstrations aimed at citizens.
With the "Novara Cohort Study", we aim to investigate the ageing processes in the population of the Novara area, identifying healthy lifestyles and risk factors. By donating biological samples to UPO Biobank, all citizens can become not only recipients but also protagonists of the scientific process and biomedical research on ageing.
As part of the project, seminars and conferences aimed at the general public are regularly organised. Some of the most popular were "Gender medicine: the importance of diversity", "Elderly people and loneliness: building effective networks", "Neuropathy and dementia", "The prevention of falls", "Ageing and narration".
With the "REACtion" project, we want to allow the elderly to live their old age in good health and in their own home. The model envisages a home care and assistance system that integrates the support of the community, a local network of social and health services, and the Family and Community Nurse with the use of digital technologies.
Finally, the issues of ageing are protagonists in the NODES projects (Spoke 5) and Age-It, financed by NextGenerationEU/PNRR.
Once a year, the IRCAD (Interdisciplinary Research Centre of Autoimmune Diseases) opens the doors of the CAAD to citizens to explain autoimmune diseases at different ages of life. Participants can talk with experts and patient associations; the laboratories are opened to allow interested parties to form a precise idea of the daily work of UPO researchers in the field of autoimmune diseases.
Dedalo. Flying through ageing
Dedalo is a health promotion project aimed at active and healthy ageing. We launched it in 2018 with the collaboration of the Vercelli LHA, the municipalities of Vercelli and Santhià, together with numerous local organisations, to promote healthy lifestyles and prevent pathologies associated with ageing.
One of Dedalo's activities is to create a dialogue with local institutions and associations, developing initiatives that promote the health and well-being of the adult population of the Vercelli area. These proposals are divided into four complementary pathways:
- Healthy diet
- Moving, together
- Wonder and amazement
- Discovering the region
Thus, meetings, conferences, itineraries in the area, courses and cycling trips are organised: Dedalo
The “Food for Health: an iNtegrated approach” (FOHN) project places DiSS as a driver of translational research aimed at investigating the interaction between nutrition, food and microbiota in autoimmune/allergic diseases and in other diseases characterised by a chronic inflammatory component.
The results are also disseminated to the general public through series of conferences, such as "Nourishing excellence".
Awareness Days
The Awareness Days, promoted by the United Nations, are an opportunity to inform and raise awareness among the population on certain issues of crucial importance at a global level.
We have always promoted World Days linked to the themes of health and prevention. Our medical, nursing, healthcare and research staff are available to explore the various topics with conferences, tests and laboratory activities.
Every year, we celebrate:
- World Cancer Day (4 February)
- World Epilepsy Day (14 February)
- World Kidney Day (early March)
- World Brain Week (March)
- World Day for Physical Activity (6 April)
- World Parkinson's Day (11 April)
- National Day for Organ, Tissue and Cell Donation (April)
- Oral Cancer Day (spring)
- World Hepatitis Day (28 July) and “Love Your Liver”, an awareness and information event on liver health
- World Alzheimer's Day (21 September)
- World Mental Health Day (10 October)
- Restart a Heart Day (16 October)
- World Stroke Day (29 October)
- World Diabetes Day (14 November)
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