In this page you can find the policy documents that currently regulate the life of UPO.
The 2019-2024 Strategic Plan outlines the mission, vision, strategic approaches and goals of the university. The current Plan was approved by the Executive Board in the session of 21 December 2018, following approval by the Academic Senate.
- Document
The three-year Plans of the Departments derive directly from the Strategic Plan and outline the mission, the vision, and the strategic guidelines and objectives of the Departments. The current version of the Plans was approved by the Executive Board in the meeting of 16 April 2021.
The University Quality Policy defines the fundamental principles adhered to by the University in its activity, as regards education, scientific research, third mission activity and services. It was approved by the Executive Board in the session of 15 July 2016, following approval by the Academic Senate.
The Communications Plan 2019-21 is the programming tool of communication goals, strategies and actions designed to support general UPO activity in the next 3-year period. It was approved by the Executive Board in the session of 17 April 2019 following approval by the Academic Senate.
University Policies and Programming is a document that states the strategic lines of the Academic Curriculum and proceeds to an evaluation/analysis of the same in terms of “economic-financial sustainability” and “teaching resources”. The document was approved by the Executive Board in the session of 20 December 2019.
The University’s PTA Training Policies include the general principles of the policy, approved by the Executive Board.
The Employee Programming Policies include the criteria, guidelines and tables with a breakdown of the resources. You can download the latest decisions by the Executive Board here.
- Ripartizione punti organico di premialità e di indirizzo strategico (delibera CdA del 24 marzo 2023)
- Modifica 'Linee Guida per la formulazione di proposte per l’utilizzo di Punti Organico da parte dei Dipartimenti' (delibera CdA del 24 marzo 2023)
- Ripartizione dei Punti Organico 2022 e Punti Organico dei Piani straordinari reclutamento personale universitario 2022-2026(delibera CdA del 28 ottobre 2022)
- Ripartizione dei Punti Organico 2020, ripartizione anticipata dei Punti Organico 2021 e Secondo Piano straordinario 2020 per il reclutamento dei ricercatori di tipo B (delibera CdA del 16 aprile 2021)
- Revisione algoritmo per la distribuzione dei Punti Organico (delibera CdA 26 giugno 2020) (138.36 KB)
The Performance Plan is the three-year policy paper, which kicks off the performance management cycle, identifies the guidelines, the strategic and operational goals and defines the indicators for measuring and evaluating the performance of the Administration.
The PIAO - Integrated Plan of Activities and Organization of the University for the three-year period 2024-2026 contains and integrates the planning policies of the Public Administrations. This Plan is due to run for three years, is updated annually and defines various planning fields, including performance, transparency and anti-corruption, the recruitment of new resources and personnel development.
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