Documents and declarations

Our University issues stamped certificates which may be used exclusively between private parties. For use with public administration or public service providers, self-certification statements should be used instead (Italian Law 183/2011, art.15).You can download the self-certifications available from the Student Portal, for more information see the Form for Student page. 

Our University issues stamped certificates that are valid and usable in relations between individuals. You can request certificates, copies and excerpts of records related to your educational career from the Student Secretariat of your Department if you are in good standing with the payment of fees, by sending via institutional mail the Certificate Request Form. The Secretariat will enter on your personal page of the Student Portal the slip for the necessary stamps; the amount will consist of 16 euros for the stamp of the request, plus 16 euros stamp for each copy of certificate requested.

All requests for the issuance of certificates must necessarily be submitted using the appropriate form found on the Student Forms page and sent to the email address of your student secretary's office (certificates will not be issued following the submission of the paper form with paper revenue stamps).


Student Secretariat


Segreteria Studenti Giurisprudenza e Scienze politiche, economiche e sociali (DiGSPES)

Segreteria Studenti Scienze del farmaco (DSF)

Segreteria Studenti Scienze e innovazione tecnologica (DiSIT)

Segreteria Studenti Studi per l’Economia e l’Impresa (DiSEI)

Segreteria Studenti Studi umanistici (DiSUm)

Segreteria Studenti Scuola di Medicina


The following certificates require a general purpose revenue stamp (with current value of 16 euros):

  • graduation request
  • degree certificate and copy
  • certification of professional license to practise as chartered accountant, accountant, and book-keeper, and copy of certificate
  • certificate of enrolment on university courses
  • certificate of academic record
  • certification of completed studies/degree qualification
  • certificate of university period redemption (for pension purposes)
  • replacement certificates of professional license to practise as chartered accountant, accountant, and book-keeper
  • application for registration and enrolment
  • application for recognition of student status
  • application for leave/transfer to other universities
  • application for withdrawal from studies
  • application for replacement Student’s Record Book
  • application for enrolment on specialist training courses
  • application for admission to Master’s programmes

If the copy is not required for use as an official document, it is not subject to stamp duty.

Please remember to bring the revenue stamp to the Student Services Office. For questions of privacy, certificates can only be issued to the applicant in person. If you cannot come to the office yourself, you need to authorise a person to collect it for you – they can do this by providing a written mandate (signed by you) and photocopy of your ID document.