Professional Development, lifelong learning and open education

For us, continuous training and open-access education are not just concepts, but the driving force that fuels limitless learning and opens the doors to extraordinary opportunities.

We are unquestionably a place of excellence dedicated to the training of individuals and we play a crucial role in supporting both workers looking for stable jobs and better career opportunities, and citizens wishing to strengthen their skills to easily access information.

Thanks to the skills at our disposal, we constantly expand our offer to meet the needs of society. We organise and manage a wide range of training activities aimed at non-traditional audiences: courses for professional interests with different accreditation options, including programmes for disadvantaged groups and public debates on local issues.

This also includes the recognition, validation and certification of skills that the University carries out for individuals, specific targets and groups and organisations.

We actively promote transversal skills and orientation, offering secondary school students practical experience in the world of work.

We have also embraced the digital revolution with MOOC courses (Massive Open Online Courses), bringing open learning to anyone who wants to access high-quality educational resources from anywhere in the world.


UPO's training offer is divided into:

• continuous training activities

• continuing education activities in Medicine

• skills certification activities

• paths for transversal skills and orientation

• MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)