Here you can download PDFs of all the forms that you will need during your university studies.
You can download all self-certification forms from the Student Portal (Section "Administration - Certificates"). The forms available for download include:
- Self-declaration regarding years of enrolment
- Self-declaration of registration and exams
- Self-declaration of Degree with exams
- Self-declaration of Fees per calendar year
- Self-declaration for professional licensing.
Reimbursements, exemptions, reductions
- per richiedere esonero I rata e/o esonero totale senza marca da bollo mod. 201 (exemption of 1st instalment and/or total exemption without stamp duty: form.201)
- per richiedere l'esonero come laureandi (mod. 207) (exemption due to impending graduation: form 207)
- per richiedere rimborsi (mod. 208) (requests for reimbursement: form 208)
- per richiedere la riduzione della II rata per merito (mod. 210) (reduction of 2nd instalment, for merit; form 210)
- per richiedere il rimborso tasse per i laureandi/decaduti (mod. 211) (reimbursement of fees for impending graduates/expired student status: form 211)
University progress
- per richiedere la convalida di un titolo accademico (mod. 017) (validation of academic qualifications: form 017)
- per richiedere il riconoscimento crediti formativi universitari (mod. 104) (recognition of university academic credits; form 104)
- per richiedere il riconoscimento della carriera svolta presso altro Ateneo (mod. 104 bis) (recognition of credits from other universities: form 104b)
- per essere reintegrati alla carriera (mod. 205) (application to restart academic studies: form 205)
- per richiedere la ricognizione della carriera (mod. 206) (application for recognition of university progress; form 206)
Forfeiture of right to study, suspension, expiry
- per dichiarare l'avvenuta decadenza- vecchio ordinamento (mod. 014) (declaration of expired student status – old system: form 014)
- per dichiarare l'avvenuta decadenza - nuovo ordinamento (mod. 014 bis) (declaration of expired student status – new system; form 014b)
- per sospendere la carriera (mod. 204) (suspension of studies; form.204)
Transfers and changes
- per richiedere il passaggio da un corso di studi ad un altro (mod. 025) (request for change to another course: form 025)
- per richiedere il trasferimento in un altro Ateneo (mod. 011) (request for transfer to another university: form 011)
Certificates, self-declarations, substitute statements
- per richiedere certificati (mod. 019) (request for certificates: form 019)
- per compilare le dichiarazioni sostitutive di atto di notorietà (mod. 035) (to complete substitute statements of attested affidavit: form 035)
- per compilare dichiarazioni sostitutive di certificazione (mod. 036) (to complete substitute statements of certification: form 036)
- In this section you will be able to access the compilation of the editable form for filing your bachelor's or master's thesis title. Upon completion, you will receive a copy in your institutional mail to send as a signature to the thesis advisor (possibly in digital mode) who will in turn send it to you so that you can attach it to your graduation application. Creation time varies from 10 to 15 minutes. To fill out the form click here (
Other forms
- per iscriverti a corsi singoli (mod. 103) (to enrol on individual courses: form 103)
- per siglare il contratto per il tempo parziale (mod. 084) to sign part-time contract: form 084)
- per richiedere la restituzione del diploma originale di maturità e/o libretto (mod. 021) (to request the return of the original high school diploma and/or student record book: form 021)
- per iscriverti a corsi singoli (mod. 103_23) (to enrol on individual courses: form 103)
- per siglare il contratto per il tempo parziale (mod. 084) (to sign part-time contract: form 084)
- per richiedere la restituzione del diploma originale di maturità e/o libretto (mod. 021) (to request the return of the original high school diploma and/or student record book: form 021)
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