State Examinations

With three Ministerial Ordinances (n.633) (n.634) (n.635) of 29/04/2024, the Ministry of Education, University and Research called for the two State Examination sessions for the qualification to practise specific professions for the year 2024, including our University for the following professions 

  • Specialist and Social Worker
  • Biologist and Junior Biologist
  • Chartered Accountant and Accounting Expert

By way of derogation from the regulations in force, the first and second sessions of the year 2024 of the aforementioned State examinations shall consist of a written test and an oral test to be held in person.

1. Application Period

First session year 2024

  • from 24 May to 24 June 2024

(Graduates may also apply provided they graduate by the date set for the start of the examination, or trainees provided they complete their traineeship by the same date).

Second session year 2024

  • 21 September to 21 October 2024

(Applications may also be submitted by undergraduate students on condition that they graduate by the date set for the start of the examination or trainees on condition that they complete their internship period by the same date).


2. Examination Starting Date

First Session 2024

  • 25 July 2024 (date reserved for the professions of Specialist Social Worker, Biologist, Chartered Accountant, Pharmacist).
  • 31 July 2024 (date reserved for the professions of Social Worker, Junior Biologist and Expert Accountant for registration in section B of their respective registers).

Second Session 2024

  • 14 November 2024 (date reserved for the professions of Specialist Social Worker, Biologist, Chartered Accountant, Pharmacist).
  • 21 November 2024 (date reserved for the professions of Social Worker, Junior Biologist and Expert Accountant for registration in section B of their respective registers).

The supplementary tests for Auditor shall be held following the conclusion of the tests scheduled for the State examination for Chartered Accountant and Accounting Expert, according to the order established for the individual venues by the Chairpersons of the examination boards.


3.Useful information

Notifications regarding the candidates admitted to the examinations and the timetable for the subsequent examinations will be published on the notice board of the Student secretariat and on the websites (State examinations section) of the relevant Departments.Such publication will be valid for all purposes as notification to candidates.

Candidates with a disability, impairment or DSA may submit their request for compensatory measures, attaching, if not already sent to the University, their valid certification, by writing to disabili_dsa@uniupo


NB: Notification of candidates admitted to the tests and the timetable for the subsequent tests will be given by posting the relevant notice on the notice board of the Student secretariat and by publication on the websites (State Examinations section) of the relevant Departments. The publication will be valid for all purposes as notification to candidates.


Scroll down the menu on the right for instructions. 

For information, contact the Student Secretariats of the Departments or the Teaching and Student Affairs Department - State Examinations ( tel. +39 0161 261 506)