Exam dates and deadlines


With three Ministerial ordinances (n.470) (n.471) (n.472) the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research has announced the 2023 State Exam sessions for the licence to specific sessions – our university offers State Exam sessions for the following professions:

  • Specialised Social Worker and Social Worker
  • Biologist and Junior Biologist
  • Chartered Accountant and Accounting Expert
  • Pharmacist

Within the exam sessions for Chartered Accountant and Accounting Expert, there will also be the supplementary tests for licence to practise as an external auditor as stated in art. 11, para. 1, of Decree no. 63 of 19 January 2016.

1) Application Submission Period

First session year 2023 

  • From 23 May to 23 June, 2023

(students approaching graduation may also apply, provided that they graduate by the due date for the beginning of the exam session, as well as interns provided that they complete their internship by the same date)

Second session year 2023 

  • from 20 September to 20 October, 2023

(students approaching graduation may also apply, provided that they graduate by the due date for the beginning of the exam session, as well as interns provided that they complete their internship by the same date)

2) Start date of Exams

First session year 2023 

  • 26 July 2023 (exams for licence as Specialised Social Worker, Biologist, Chartered Accountant, Pharmacist).
  • 31 July 2023 (exams for licence as Social Worker, Junior Biologist and Accounting Expert, for enrolment in Section B of the relevant professional registers).

Second session year 2023 

  • 16 November 2023 (exams for licence as Specialised Social Worker, Biologist, Chartered Accountant, Pharmacist).
  • 23 November 2023 (exams for licence as Social Worker, Junior Biologist and Accounting Expert,for enrolment in Section B of the relevant professional registers).

The supplementary exams for External Auditor are held after the State Exams for Chartered Accountant and Accounting Expert, according to the order established for the individual locations by the Presidents of the examining commissions.

3) Useful information

The list of candidates admitted to the exam and the calendar for subsequent test dates will be published on the noticeboard at the Student Services Office and published on the websites (State Exam section) of the relative department.

This publication will serve as official notification to candidates.