First instalment

Payment of the first instalment (€156) is compulsory. This sum consists of the Regional Tax for the Right to Higher Education (€140) and the stamp duty (€16). It must be paid by 31 October 2024. It is a compulsory step in completing registration for first year or subsequent years.

Payments made after the deadline of 18 October 2024 will be subject to a late payment penalty fee.

If you are registering for the first year, you can access the University services (email, online lessons, etc) only after the University receives your payment of the first instalment.

You must pay the first instalment even if you are registering on the first year and have requested EDISU financial assistance. If you are then deemed eligible for this aid, you can ask the Authority to reimburse the sum you paid for the first instalment.

If you are registering for the second year onwards, you will find the payment bill in the reserved area of the Student Portal, from 18 October 2024. Payment must be made by 31 October 2024.

If you are registering for years subsequent to the first year, and have applied to the Regional Authority for the Right to Higher Education (EDISU) for a study grant for academic year 2024/25, you are exempt from payment of the regional tax until the definitive list of successful applicants is published by EDISU; you must, however, pay the virtual stamp duty (€16), for which you will find a payment bill in your Student Portal account.
In the event that EDISU does not award you a study grant for academic year 202/2023, you must pay the first instalment (without penalty fee) within twenty calendar days of receiving said communication from your Student Services Office. To receive EDISU aid, you must request the ISEE 2022 Certificate. If you are not successful in your application for EDISU aid, and have not presented the ISEE statement, you will automatically be placed in the highest fee bracket.

The first instalment is not to be paid by:

  1. Those who intend to graduate in the autumn session or special session of academic year 2021/2022. If you do not finish your course by the deadline (April 2023), you must pay the due fees plus a late payment penalty fee. If you intend to apply for reduced fee status, you must request the ISEE 2022 statement;
  2. Those who have withdrawn from the course;
  3. Those who intend to transfer to another university – they must, however, pay the fee for outgoing students;
  4. Those who have specific exemption status (see Financial Aid section)

The first instalment cannot be reimbursed to anyone who withdraws from studies or transfers to another university as the instalment fee does not pertain to the University but to EDISU.

The stamp duty of €16 is never reimbursed, in any case.