The Office of Public Relations (URP)

The Office of Public Relations (URP) is directed to students and students, university staff, businesses and individuals, other agencies and administrations, and, in general, to those who need to know the right office to contact. 

The Public Relations Office can be contacted by phone at 0161 261579 / 0161 228449 - Monday through Friday.

You can also contact the URP by email

Below, you will find the FAQ, which can already easily help you find an answer, more quickly and effectively.
An answer has been provided for each question, which often contains a link to other web pages on the University website, where you can find more in-depth information.

Notice! If you are an international student who wishes to enrol at UPO, you can consult this page: How to enrol at UPO For any other information, you can contact the Development and Quality Staff of Higher Education Educational Projects and International Mobility at the following addresses:


The FAQs of URP

How is the University of Eastern Piedmont structured?

The University of Eastern Piedmont is structured into eight departments, located in three different cities:


Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences

Science and Technological Innovation


Pharmaceutical Sciences

 Economics and Business Studies

Translational Medicine and Health Sciences (teaching activity is coordinated by the School of Medicine)



Sustainable Development and the Ecological Transition


The Rectorate and the offices of Central Administration are located in Vercelli.

I’d like to know more about the UPO training offer

On the University website, in the "Courses” section, you can find all the information related to the educational offer of our University, with a detailed description of each course.

In addition, the University has created UPO for YOU , a brochure illustrating the entire UPO training offer.

The University also offers an Orientation service, aimed at supporting students in choosing their academic career.

For any further information, you can also contact the following offices:

EVENTS, ORIENTATION AND PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT OFFICE (for students and potential students)

Tel. 0161 228 434 - 0161 261 524


STUDENT SERVICES (for students already enrolled – tutorship and job placement)

Tel. 0161 261527 / 0161 228428




How do I complete the enrolment process?

Matriculation and enrolment are regulated differently, depending on whether the courses are:

• open-access courses

• courses with locally-restricted access (Pharmacy, Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies);

• courses with national programmed access (Medicine and Surgery, Health Professions).

If you wish to enrol in an open-access course, you need to visit the Enrolment page.

If you wish to enrol in a locally-restricted or national programmed access course, visit the Admissions page.

Further details are contained in the Handbook and Fees , a Rectoral Decree approved for each new academic year which contains all the administrative information on the student's career:

• guidelines and deadlines for registrations

• calculation and method of payment of fees

• incoming and outgoing transfers

• full-time and part-time options

• financial aid and tax exemptions


Specific information is also available on the web pages of each Department.

Furthermore, during the enrolment phase the University offers an Enrolment Information Centre, an information and reception point that you can visit or contact to receive support.

How do I register for the admission test to restricted access degree courses?

To register for the admission tests to restricted access degree courses, you must wait for the Calls to be published on each specific Department website. These announcements contain all the information on how to register for the admission tests and all related deadlines.

Where can I check the results of the admission test?

The outcome of the admission test for the Degree in Medicine and Surgery (national programmed access) is published at the following link:

Medicine and Surgery

The outcome of the admission test for the Degree courses in Health Professions (national programmed access) is published at the following link:

Healthcare professions

The results of the admission tests for the Degree courses in Pharmacy and Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Technologies (CTF) (local programmed access) are published at the following link:

Pharmacy and CTF

What is part-time enrolment?

Part-time enrolment allows you to agree with the University the duration of your studies, according to your time and commitment needs. More information is available on the dedicated full-time and part-time options page

I would like to apply for a scholarship, what should I do?

Scholarships are managed by E.Di.S.U. and are awarded to those students who meet the requirements listed in the announcement published annually. For further information, you can contact the E.Di.S.U. offices and visit the institution's website: .

Furthermore, each Department can independently manage scholarships of various amounts to foster University studies. Departments publish specific announcements on their website. You can contact your student office for further details.


Dove devo presentare il mio ISEE?

L’Università acquisisce automaticamente l’Attestazione ISEE dalla banca dati dell’INPS (a partire da settembre con cadenza settimanale) senza necessità di espressa autorizzazione. Tutti i dettagli li trovi nella pagina ISEE e agevolazioni per il diritto allo studio.

Per tutte le questioni relative alla situazione tasse universitarie o con riferimento al tuo ISEE utilizzare il servizio UPORISPONDE

How and when should I submit my study plan?

In order to submit your study plan, you must be enrolled in the current academic year and have received your matriculation number. To fill in your study plan, go to the Student Portal and follow the instructions published at the bottom of the page. The Student Secretariat of your degree course will provide all necessary information on the deadlines for submitting your study plan.

Where can I find information about books and curricula of each course?

At the beginning of each course, professors will share information on the books selected for the course and will provide an overview of both the curriculum and the final exam. Further details are also available on DIR – Didattica in Rete.

Where can I request a certificate (of enrolment, final degree, exams taken, etc.)?

On the Student portal, you can find some self-declarations related to your university studies (enrolment, passed exams, etc.). If you no longer have access to the Student Portal or you need a more specific certificate, you must send a request through UPORISPONDE

Can I enrol on a single course?

Yes, you can enrol on single active courses. Applications must be submitted within specific windows. Further details are available at the following link: Enrolments for single courses

The School of Medicine and the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences have different deadlines, to be compliant with the attendance requirements set by each study programme. Visit the websites of the respective Departments for the necessary information.


Where can I find information and contact details for assistance for students with Specific Learning Disorders?

The University offers dedicated services for students with Specific Learning Disorders, aimed at supporting them as Freshers, and with integration, orientation and study support.

We have designed many interventions according to different needs; you can find details on this page Services for students with disabilities and/or DSA

For any further information, please contact:


Is there an Italian language course for foreign students?

Each year, the University Language Centre (CLUPO) offers a 40-hour course of Italian language for foreigners, for both  basic/elementary and intermediate/advanced levels. All information on dates and times are available on the Italian for foreigners page.

I would like to resume my studies, what should I do?

If you have interrupted your studies for at least two academic years and intend to resume your studies by enrolling in the current academic year, you must pay the recognition fee of 150.00 euros for each full academic year in which you were not enrolled. For further information, please visit the Withdrawal, suspension and other academic career events.

I would like to withdraw from studies, how should I proceed?

If you have interrupted your studies for at least two academic years and intend to resume your studies by enrolling in the current academic year, you must pay the recognition fee of 150.00 euros for each full academic year in which you were not enrolled. For further information, please visit the Withdrawal, suspension and other academic career events.

What should I do to transfer to UPO from another University?

If you wish to transfer to UPO, you must submit an application for recognition of previous studies to the study programme office. Your application will be evaluated according to the requirements of the teaching regulations of your course of interest. Please visit this page for details: Course Changes

How do I transfer to another University?

If you wish to transfer to another university, you must submit a request to the UPO. The outgoing transfer application must be submitted online and is subject to payment of a 100 euro fee. More information can be found on the page Course Changes

How do I change degree course (change of course within the University)?

Applications for transfers between study programmes with free access within the UPO can be made online by completing a form on the University website. If you intend to switch to a local or national restricted-access study programme, after passing the admission test, you must request authorisation from the Student Secretariat of the destination programme. Please check all details on this page  Course Changes

I have a problem with my email account or UniUpo App, who should I contact?

For technical issues with your e-mail account, please write an email to,  attaching a copy of your identity document.

If you need to activate your University account for the first time, please follow the instructions on this page: IT & Online services

I have a problem with the UniUPO App, who should I contact?

For technical issues with the UniUPO App, please write an email to


How can I obtain a duplicate of a lost/damaged Degree Certificate?

You can request a copy of any certificates and final diplomas through the UPORISPONDE ticketing service, by selecting the item from the drop-down menu "Request certificates"

As an international student, in order to proceed with enrolment, how can I request the validation of documents and recognition of my school qualifications?

If you are an international student who wishes to enrol at UPO, you can consult this page:

How to enrol at UPO

For any other information, you can contact the Development and Quality Staff of Higher Education Educational Projects and International Mobility at the following addresses:

• via Duomo 6, Palazzo del Rettorato, Vercelli, Monday to Friday, from 9.30 to 11.30am

• Telephone: 0161.261.529

• Email:

I would like to make an appointment with the Study Programme Office, how can I do so?

The UPOriceve service allows you to speak directly with the Programme Office via an online system. After reserving your slot, you will receive a link to join a virtual room where an operator will support you with your request.

Can I request a refund of the first instalment?

Yes, you can request reimbursement only for the portion of the regional tax (but not for any additional amounts such as virtual stamp duty or other charges). For further information, contact E.Di.S.U. by visiting the institution's website: .

UPO Risponde

The UPORISPONDE service has been created to manage user support requests. Thanks to this service, your request is sent to the competent office, which will give you a response as soon as possible. You must carefully fill out the relevant form, entering all the necessary information.

UpoBook - I'm looking for the contact details of a professor/administrative staff member, where can I find them?

Within the UPOBook University address book, you can find the telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of all the University's technical-administrative staff, professors and researchers. It is also possible to consult the curricula of all professors and researchers, their research fields and publications, the courses they hold and office hours.

Job Placement - I am a company and I need access to the list of graduate students

To receive the list of UPO graduate students, please write an email to the Job Placement service at the following email address:

Other Useful Contact Details

The main useful contact details of the University are available at this link: