Urban Development & Enhancement of the Territory


Universities qualify themselves as fundamental vehicles for the enhancement of the territory and have a very important role in the creation and dissemination of knowledge and information in the territories that host them, generating virtuous effects in various areas.

UPO is engaged with over 350 projects. The most interesting of them include:  

  • Comuniterrae, a joint cultural project launched in January 2017 with the development plan of the Mappe di Comunità delle Terre di Mezzo. It won the Premio Europa Nostra 2019 and two other important European awards in 2020;
  • UPO and Piedmont Regional Authority together to promote the Water Lands , an agreement for research into agri-food and the study of rice farming
  • The truffle DNA database for the economic and cultural promotion of this prestigious product
  • Climbing for Climate, an event organised by the University Network for Sustainable Development in collaboration with the Italian Alpine Club to raise public awareness at national and local levels of the topics in the Agenda 2030;
  • Progetto PA.N.E which aims to bring back to the market a bread type made entirely with Italian San Pastore flour, a product that has practically disappeared. The project has completely re-established the production and supply chain since the beginning of the project in 2016.



Public Engagemnt -sviluppo urbano e valorizzazione del territorio