Research Week

Since it was launched as a European Union project in 2005, we have always organised a Researchers' Night.

In 2022, the "Night" expanded into an entire Research Week: it is the culmination of many initiatives tested and consolidated over the years and in the locations, a true science festival for eastern Piedmont.

It consists of four key initiatives:

  • Science Slam
  • Upo Junior
  • PhD Day
  • Research Night

Added to these are collateral activities, often in collaboration with other bodies, which change and enrich the programme every year.

Research Week 2023

Research Week 2022 


Science Slam

The Science Slam is a form of scientific dissemination and entertainment, in which scientists and researchers, normally at the beginning of their careers, compete in presenting their research work to a non-expert audience. What matters is not so much presenting the scientific result of one's work, but explaining it in a comprehensible, pleasant and concise way.

It was launched in Germany, on the heels of the Poetry Slam, and the first edition took place in Darmstadt in 2006. Since then, the idea has grown rapidly in Europe, before being implemented in Italy. The event was introduced by us in 2021, with an experimental phase proposed by DISS; since 2022, it has occupied the place of honour in Research Week.

Young researchers from UPO, who reach the final after the departmental rounds, compete on the stage set up for the occasion in the Broletto in Novara, in front of the public and a jury of experts. Their performances are also live streamed to engage audiences remotely. Whoever receives the most votes, from all the juries, wins.

Thanks to a partnership with the Compagnia di San Paolo, the top three receive prizes of 2,000, 1,500 and 1,000 euros, respectively.



You have until May 31, 2024 to register and join the most exciting science outreach and entertainment competition ever!

The full Call with all the details and deadlines, is here!

Fill out the online form now, which you can find at this link



Hall of Fame


1° prize:          GIORGIO CELORIA (DISIT)
2° prize:          SIMONE ASSANELLI (DISS)
3° prize:          ALESSIO PEZZELLA (DISUM)


1° prize:          EMMA ZANELLA (DISS)
3° prize:          SARA CENTONZE (DISS)


Science Slam 2023

Science Slam 2022



UPO Junior

When UPO Junior takes place, the doors of the Alessandria, Novara and Vercelli campuses open up to children from primary and middle schools.

Each year, we prepare a very rich programme of experiments, games and fantastic stories to reveal science to our young guests.

We are well rewarded by the attention that the schools reserve us: as soon as we open registration, just as the school year opens, the initiatives are sold out within hours. Three thousand students now attend UPO Junior every year.


UPO Junior 2023 



PhD Day

PhD Day is a solemn moment for every university. It celebrates the achievements of those who have managed to complete the highest level of education and, usually, be officially introduced into the world of research.

Not only are the three-time graduates celebrated, but also those candidates hoping to do so soon, who present to the public the studies they are carrying out.

A well-known guest speaker usually opens the event with a talk.


PhD Day 2023



Research Night


This event brings together thousands of researchers, visitors and hundreds of university and research institutions, all on one night, in all European countries.

The “Night” was established with the aim of creating opportunities to meet between researchers and citizens in order to spread scientific culture and knowledge of research professions in an informal and stimulating context. Events include live scientific experiments and demonstrations, exhibitions and guided tours, conferences and seminars, shows and concerts.

We immediately signed up for this European initiative with a variety of proposals that have always had a great following, at first in the three campus cities, and then (since 2013) in Alessandria as the event venue.


Research Night 2023