Dipartimento di Scienze e Innovazione Tecnologica

MULTI-site organic-inorganic HYbrid CATalysts for MULTI-step chemical processes

The goal of “MULTI2HYCAT” is the development of innovative hybrid and multifunctional materials, consisting of partly organic and partly inorganic elements. The mission is to improve and render some industrial processes for the production of chemical and pharmaceutical compounds more sustainable, less polluting and safer.

Data management and coordination in clinical trials

Course held by the Department of Science, Technology and Innovation at the Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale, in partnership with the hospital “SS Antonio e Biagio e Cesare Arrigo” of Alessandria.

Duration: 1 year
Submission of applications: by 30 April 2020, 12pm
Publication of applicant ranking/application results: 27 May 2020, 12pm
Registration: by 4 June 2020, 12pm

Course fee: € 1,850.

SIMNOVA - Centro interdipartimentale di Didattica Innovativa e di Simulazione in Medicina e Professioni Sanitarie

Il Centro Interdipartimentale di Didattica Innovativa e di Simulazione in Medicina e Professioni Sanitarie (SIMNOVA) nasce formalmente nel giugno 2014 presso l’Università del Piemonte Orientale. Il SIMNOVA è istituito allo scopo di svolgere attività di alta formazione, ricerca e servizi in ambito sanitario, con particolare attenzione all’uso della simulazione come strumento per innovare i programmi di formazione, migliorare la qualità della cura, ridurre il rischio clinico ed aumentare la sicurezza per i pazienti.

- Multicriteria Data Structures and Algorithms: from compressed to learned indexes, and beyond.

Our university is flanked in this project by the universities of Milan, Palermo and Pisa.

The project proposes the use of Machine Learning techniques to create new methods for memorising large-scale quantities of data, and to carry out searches efficiently within this data.

Advances in this field will allow, for example, bioinformatics applications to work with more data and thus provide more precise results.

- AppRoach to the Circular Economy in the packaging and automotive sectors for the recycling of plastic products from industrial waste and end-of-life items

The goal of the RECIPLAST project is to improve eco-sustainability of plastic used in the packaging and automobile industries in three ways: chemical recycling, mechanical recycling and optimisation of recycled materials.

Specifically, the UPO team are working on the development of recycling processes for waste materials from car components which pose problems in the recycling chain and are destined for landfill. These waste materials are treated with polyurethane expanses by chemical recyling and mixed plastic elements mixed by mechanical recycling.