
Award to the best graduates

If you have achieved excellent results in your university studies, you may be eligible for a graduate award, the terms of which are established each year.

These are the requisites to compete:

  • You must be regularly enrolled on an undergraduate degree programme/a 2-year Master’s degree programme/a single cycle Master’s degree, at this university
  • You must have successfully completed the course
  • You must have achieved a final grade of 110/110 with honours
  • You must never have repeated a year or been late in completing your programme

Each department sets up a Commission to select one undergraduate and one Master’s student to receive the award, by 30 September each year, in accordance with the Regulations that may be downloaded via the link at the end of this section.

If you are selected as one of the best-performing graduates at the university, you will receive your award at an official ceremony, which usually takes place at the inauguration of the academic year.

Award for deserving students

If you have performed particularly well in your studies, you may apply for an award (of varying amounts) from your department, which holds the option (but not obligation) to do so annually via a specific call for applications.

Consult your department’s website or visit your Student Services Office for more and up-to-date information on this topic.