- Territorial Regeneration and Cooperation for Cross-border Governance



Funding body
Regione Lombardia
Italia - Svizzera secondo avviso
297.080,34 €

Departments and Centres



Department of Studies for Economics and Business


Project duration

Start date
End date

The RiCoNET project sets out to strengthen cross-border governance on issues of territorial redevelopment and regeneration, by comparing applied methodologies in the two territorial contexts. Specific Toolkits will be defined, to support public authorities, which may be used to respond to the lack of Italian and regional legislation that poses an ongoing problem.


  • Multilevel governance at cross-border and inter-institutional levels, with sharing of administrative approaches and management methods by local authorities.
  • Redevelopment and regeneration of cross-border land, temporary utilisation of spaces/places not in use, and reappropriation by the local community.
  • Actions to reinforce Italian and Swiss efforts to involve society and stakeholders through endorsed planning itineraries.
  • Evaluation and effectiveness of multilevel governance and redevelopment/regeneration, and possible corrective measures



Publication of the activity findings, the strengthening of cross-border governance by analysis of approaches and methodologies used in Italy and Switzerland, redevelopment/regeneration of cross-border territory, training of employees and transfer of skills and procedures.

The individual project activities involve defining a specific Toolkit based on shared methodology, multilevel governance and urban recovery of temporary use of abandoned spaces/places, to support local authorities. Cross-border sharing of ideas is carried out in different ways: endorsed planning workshops, round tables for discussion of ideas. The innovative model of multilevel governance can be applied to other contexts.

Training opportunities will guarantee the transfer of skills and procedures to cross-border workers (in public administration or professionals, artisans and registered professionals). Finally, evaluation and effectiveness of social impact at the end of the activity will allow any necessary corrective measures to be adopted in the governance models trialled.

Italian sector leader: Università degli Studi del Piemonte Orientale  Other partners: IUSERFor - Agenzia Formativa Universitaria, Municipality of Biella.

Swiss sector leader: Hes So - Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale (Canton Vallese). Other partners: Municipalities of Riddes and Isérable, Canton Authority of Vallese (Etat du Valais - Service du développement territorial).