Open Badge Work Oriented

The "Work-Oriented" Open Badge certifies the acquisition of skills and tools needed to approach the world of work and the active search for employment. A holder of this Badge is aware of how one negotiates the world of work and of the need to have a strategy to approach it, by using the tools for contacting companies in an optimal and targeted way. The badge is issued to students and graduates of the University of Eastern Piedmont who have:

1. attended the training seminars/workshops on career guidance topics offered by the Job Placement service of the University of Eastern Piedmont

2. benefited from 1 individual guidance session or 1 small group workshop organised by the University's Job Placement service

3. participated in the UPO Career Day or 1 matching event organised by the University or by relevant external bodies in agreement with the University


During the initiative, the holder of the Badge carries out 4 types of activities:

  • participates in information and training sessions in the form of seminars or workshops
  • receives individual guidance counselling or participates in 1 small group workshop
  • tests what they have learned during a matching event
  • works individually on their personal and professional pathway

The objective in the Badge initiative is to provide the tools and information needed for active searching for job opportunities, and to promote entry into the world of work, with the ultimate aim of improving the employment prospects of graduates of the University of Eastern Piedmont.



A holder of this Badge has demonstrated possession of the necessary skills to successfully enter the world of work, pursuing a job in a proactive and resourceful manner. You have acquired knowledge and skills in the above area and are able, for example, to:

• Be aware of the right channels for job searching and know how to read, interpret and respond to a job advertisement

• Write an ad hoc CV and motivation letter for a specific recipient and position

• Build your professional profile on LinkedIn, using effective writing skills

• Effectively tackle an individual interview, highlighting your motivation for the role in question and demonstrating how your training/education and previous professional experience are suited to  the position offered

• Know the transversal skills sought by the world of work and which ones you actually possess, understanding your strengths and areas for improvement in order to best prepare an application.



To obtain this Badge, the student/graduate of the University of Eastern Piedmont must have actively taken part in the steps proposed by the University's Job Placement service, and conform to the following conditions:

  1. have participated in the careers guidance seminars or workshops offered by the University's Job Placement service. The seminars/workshops may be delivered online or face-to-face and cover topics such as: job search methods, CV and motivation letter, Linkedin, job interview, soft skills. If the seminar is held online, you must have the camera turned on. The participant can substitute (subject to agreement with the Job Placement service) one or more of the above seminars with a specific job orientation activity, lasting at least 2 hours, proposed by the participant's Department and aimed at exploring productive and professional contexts of the student’s own field of study

  2. have taken advantage of a careers guidance session or a small group workshop aimed at helping the participant to create/improve their personalised CV or to tackle a job interview more effectively, thanks to ad hoc simulations

  3. have developed a CV and letter of motivation

  4. have taken part in the UPO Career Day or in a matching event organised by the University or by relevant external bodies which the University has involved. This activity is aimed at bringing the owner of this Badge together with one or more companies, putting into practice what they have learned, and promoting their successful employment search.

  5. have completed the course within 12 months of the first activity carried out.


To receive the badge, which is issued by the University of Eastern Piedmont, the participant must provide evidence to the University's Job Placement service that they have actively taken part in the initiative by attending seminars, workshops, guidance sessions or workshops for a total duration of at least 10 hours and accomplished the goals/activities indicated above.