Public Speaking Workshop

The Job Placement office is happy to start its job orientation training activities for students and graduates with a communication workshop, aimed at improving your ability in public speaking.

If you want to improve your communication skills in this field, this workshop can help you.

On 9 February 2021, from 9.00 to 13.00, Dr. Paolo Pomati, head of the UPO Communication office and journalist, will present these transversal, which are absolutely interesting for young people entering the labour work.

Dr Pomati will cover these topics:

  • Spoken communication
  • The principles of cooperation and courtesy
  • The rules of public speaking
  • The management of anxiety
  • Non-verbal communication

The workshop will take place in Vercelli, Rettorato, Conference Room (Via Duomo, 6).

Participation is limited; we invite you to register only if you really want to attend the workshop.

You have to register on DIR at the following link:

Registrations will close on February 5th or upon reaching 20 members.

The workshop will be delivered in Italian and will take place in presence; it will be online if the current health situation requires it.


Tipologia evento