Certification of 24 Academic Credits


The fourth and final window for obtaining recognition of 24 CFUs is active and will remain open from July 27, 2023 to September 4, 2023, subject to early closures resulting from regulatory changes.

It is possible to apply for recognition of CFUs acquired by 10/31/2022.

Career evaluation prior to completion of the form cannot be requested. However, it is possible to request information or report problems concerning the request by writing an email to 24cfu@uniupo.it indicating in the subject line of the message whether it is a report of a technical/administrative or educational nature (aimed at the Evaluation Committee).

Each applicant should complete only one form, providing the necessary information and identifying all the classes in which he/she is interested in relation to the declared CFUs. Generic applications, which do not expressly indicate the subjects for which recognition is requested, will not be considered. 

After sending the form, the application becomes final and can no longer be changed. The applicant will receive a confirmation e-mail to the e-mail address indicated in the form, with the summary of the submitted application attached; the e-mail and the attached summary should be saved for possible verifications of the completion of the application.

Those who, subsequent to submission but within the opening deadline of the submission time window, find that they have made a mistake in filling out the application, should promptly report this to the above email (educational report for the Commission).



Graduate applicants must complete the payment process of the 100 euro fee before sending the request form (details of the payment – date and reference number, etc – must be stated on the form). To acquire the bank giro slip, click here 


Download the instructions on how to acquire the bank giro slip.


Not held to payment: graduates who have completed the entire track for acquisition of 24 academic credits via courses offered at the Università del Piemonte Orientale.

Similarly, students enrolled on a programme at the university at the time the certification is requested are not held to payment.

Once the necessary checks and evaluations have been carried out, applicants will be informed via email of their issued certificate and how to receive it.

In the event that part of the 24 academic credits were acquired in a different university, times for certification issue may be longer, according to the time taken by that institute to reply. To facilitate checks and information, applicants are invited to send (by email to the aforementioned email address) any documents in their possession regarding their academic credits and their conformity to Ministerial Decree 616/2017.