TechLaw (Future Tech Law Clinics)
UPO partner in the TechLa project, winner of an Erasmus+ grant

This international project, coordinated for the university by Prof. Bianca Gardella Tedeschi, will allow a group of students to tackle issues linked to law and new technologies via the ‘doing-by-learning’ method.

The European inter-university project TechLa (Future Tech Law Clinics) has won an Eramsus+ grant. This 3-year project unites law and new technologies, carried out by a group of universities coordinated by the University of Lyons (France) and comprising Università del Piemonte Orientale, University Radboud of Nimega (Netherlands), Catholic University of Lyons (France), University of Krakow (Poland) and the University of Lodz (Poland).

The project goal – for the University of Piemonte Orientale, this is coordinated by Bianca Gardella Tedeschi, teacher of Comparative Private Law at the Department of Economics and Business Studies at Novara – is to engage the students in a series of “learning by doing” activities, on topics in the fields of law and technology. TechLa involves not only academic institutions but also a network of national courthouses, forensic associations, legal firms and technology businesses, and will be based on some case studies, tackling the legal challenges posed by new technologies.

Different teams of students – as part of a courthouse simulation – will carry out research and prepare written and oral defences; the participation of high-profile technology companies will guarantee close ties with the reality of the industry. Every year, the project will end with a "school", which brings together the students with various “external” partners.


TechLa will begin in September and last until August 2022; many Italian partners have signed up for the project: the Arbitration Chamber of Piemonte; the Battaglini – De Sabato legal firm; lawyer Piero Pollastro, chairman of the Order of Lawyers of the Court of Novara; lawyer Marco Venturello, specialist in Intellectual Property Law and New Technologies Law; Reios, a start-up incubated at Enne3, which deals with smart, new generation LED lighting systems.

Area scientifica
Social sciences, economics, law