Philosophy (Phased out)
Filosofia e comunicazione
Degree programme
2-year Master’s
Course title (Classe)
LM - 78 – Scienze filosofiche
Access type
2 Years
Course Director
Student Services Office

Vercelli, Via G. Ferraris, 109

Teaching locations

Vercelli, Via G. Ferraris, 116

Accessing the course

To exhaustion

Course overview

The Master’s degree programme in Philosophy offers in-depth, up-to-date and critical teaching on philosophy from ancient times to the modern day, combining the history of philosophical thought with analysis of the main theoretical and moral issues that affect the lives of individuals and humanity as a whole. The course enables you to develop informed thinking on the topic and problematise modern society in its entire complexity, strengthening your capacity for reflection and debate to help guide you to participate in the country’s socio-cultural life. These skills, essential for active and conscious citizenship, will be invaluable in a professional context when translated into refined textual analysis and enhanced ability to draft critical texts with a personal viewpoint and powerful reasoning. More generally, the Master’s degree in Philosophy prepares you to manage contexts, situations and communication in a clear and competent manner, exploiting its key features and analytical strategies.

Erasmus agreements

Erasmus partner institutes

  • Austria: Graz. 
  • Belgium: Liege. 
  • France: Bordeaux, Lille, Metz, Versailles, Paris Diderot, Grenoble, Chambery. 
  • Germany: “Ludwig Maximilian” (Munich), Marburg, Aachen, Bochum, Potsdam. 
  • Norway: Volda.
  • Poland: Warsaw, Wroclaw, Lodz, “Adam Mickiewicz” Poznań. 
  • Portugal: Madeira. 
  • Romania: Alba Iulia, Bucarest. 
  • Spain: Malaga, “Carlos III” (Madrid), “Miguel de Cervantes” (Valladolid), Alcalã, Valencia, Tenerife, Salamanca, Seville, Vigo, Santiago de Compostela, Cáceres, Santander, Ciudad Real, Huelva.
Key features

Nowadays, in an era where unawareness and collective hypnosis is increasingly common, a Master’s degree course in Philosophy offers skills in learning, understanding and interpreting problems posed in texts and contexts (thus, from reality and opinions about said reality) with the educational results of independent thinking and clear, critical analysis – all of which contribute to a strong argument for enrolling on a Philosophy programme. The course teaches how to tackle real-life problems effectively, offering the most important tool – the ability to think and reason. This is a task that cannot be delegated to others. Therefore we aim to train people to think, in a critical and independent manner - a necessary requisite for intellectual and professional advancement. We know that our teaching methods are highly appreciated by our students. This is because we closely link our teaching to our studies with excellent results – our team of teachers includes philosophers, historians, and political scientists at the helm of our fields in Italy for the quality of our research.

Career and employment opportunities

Our graduates can enter the world of public administration (including education, subject to current regulations), and work in public and private organisations: specifically, they can seek employment in HR training and management, or marketing, and in companies dealing with public relations and press services, creative advertising, and cultural marketing.