If you are an international student and wish to register or enrol on any Italian university course, you should first refer to the regulations of the Ministry of Education, University and Research regarding the number of available places for each course.
The Ministry distinguishes between different types of “international student”:
- non-EU students, resident abroad
- EU students
- international students with a residency permit in Italy
- Italian students with academic certification from abroad.
Rules vary according to the type of course you choose: undergraduate degree, Master’s or single-cycle Master’s, a non-Medicine specialisation program, post-grad diploma; Specialist Master’s (I or II level) or an individual module.
Before visiting the Student Services office (Segreteria Studenti), check that you have all the necessary personal paperwork and read the Ministry regulations
Here below you can view and download a table detailing the quotas reserved for international students and, specifically, Chinese students.
If your academic or professional qualification was issued by an institution abroad, we advise you to consult Qualifyme!, the platform for recognition of qualifications awarded abroad.
Additional assistance may be found via this link You want to go abroad
For further information or queries, contact Staff Sviluppo e Qualità dei Progetti Didattici di Alta Formazione e della Mobilità Internazionali
- via Duomo 6, palazzo del Rettorato, Vercelli, from Monday to Friday, 9.30 am to 11.30 am;
- Telephone: 0161.261.529
- Email: international.students@uniupo.it
University Pre-Enrolment On Universitaly
Visit the UniversItaly website: www.universitaly.it, the portal set up by the Ministry of Education, University and Research to guide students in their educational and training needs.
The International Students application allows the following online operations:
- presentation of a pre-enrolment application for higher education in Italy by non-EU students who require a study visa
- validation of pre-enrolment applications by higher education institutions and forwarding of these applications to the Embassies or Consulates specified by the applicant
- receipt by Embassies of pre-enrolment applications (pre-approved by Institutions) and any other information necessary for the issue of a study visa.
For further information or queries, contact the Staff Sviluppo e Qualità dei Progetti Didattici di Alta Formazione e della Mobilità Internazionali:
- via Duomo 6, Palazzo del Rettorato, Vercelli, rom Monday to Friday, 9.30 am to 11.30 am;
- Telephone: 0161.261.529
- Email: international.students@uniupo.it
Key in your details on the relevant form – once registered, you can access all areas, choose your selected course and attach copies of your qualification certification.
Statements of Comparability and Verification - Diplome
International students, for the purposes of enrolment at an Italian university, must present a document certifying the authenticity of the study documents through legalisation, apostille, declaration of value issued by the relevant Embassy or the Certificates of Comparability and Verification issued by CIMEA, as per the Circular of the Ministry of Universities and Research "Procedures for entry, residence, enrolment of international students and relative recognition of qualifications, for higher education courses in Italy". Those interested in the Certificate of Comparability and Verification can contact the CIMEA Association.
CIMEA has activated the CIMEA-Diplome attestation service, integrated with the ARDI database, which allows users to make use of the services of Comparability and Verification of foreign qualifications and to consult the detailed list for all the countries in the world, of the documentation required for the issue of the required certificates, with the aim of further streamlining the procedures for the evaluation and recognition of foreign qualifications.
For more information, click on the following link: https://www.cimea.it/EN/pagina-attestati-di-comparabilita-e-verifica-de…
“Extra-Titoli” (Other-Qualification) Service
The Extra-Titoli Helpdesk is a guidance service on academic and professional qualifications of international students in Italy.
The Extra-Titoli Service is again up and running from May 2020, with online meetings available.
To make an appointment, call the following number (320 8251188) or visit the service’s Facebook page.
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