Diagnostic tests and Additional Educational Requirements


For all students registered on 3-year undergraduate courses or single cycle Master’s programmes without entrance tests, there will be a diagnostic test.

This test is compulsory for all those registering on undergraduate and single cycle Master’s programmes but does not impede admission to courses. 

If you do not pass the test, this does not stop you from enrolling on the course. You will be assigned Additional Educational Requirements, extra credits/courses to complete during the first year of the programme. Completing and passing the Additional Educational Requirements is essential in order to begin the programme with a solid basis of knowledge. The policies adopted for each course can be found in the Teaching Regulations and are published on each Department’s website.

For Master’s degree courses that are not single-cycle programmes, before registering for the first year each applicant will be subject to an educational background/preparation check. The procedures for each degree programme are published on the Department websites.

If you hold certification of a Specific Learning Disability and require extra time to complete the test, please inform disabili_dsa@uniupo.it attaching a copy of the relevant certification.

For information on the test topics and procedure, refer to the Department website.