FAQs for enrolled students


Quick answers to frequently asked questions.

How can I enrol for the second year onward?

To enrol for the second year onward, log in to the Student Portal and find the payment notice for the first instalment of €156 (in the Payments Section). Payment must be made between 10 October and 28 October 2022, following the instructions in the guidelines on the university website: How to pay the fees



Come faccio a cambiare il mio regime di impegno da tempo parziale a totale (o viceversa)?

Prima del pagamento della prima rata universitaria per l’anno accademico di riferimento, sarà necessario comunicare alla Segreteria Studenti del proprio Dipartimento o della propria Scuola l’eventuale necessità di modificare il regime di impegno.

Puoi trovare qui tutte le informazioni circa il regime di impegno a tempo parziale alla pagina Tempo pieno e tempo parziale

How can I register on individual courses?

You can register on individual courses to take exams that are not included as part of your programme in the current year: the maximum number of academic credits possible is 36. Not all exams can be taken individually, so please check first with the Teaching Office. Once this has been confirmed, you can visit the university website section Infostudenti-Forms for Students where you will find the form to complete and return to the Student Services Ofice at  allegati.acronimodeltuodipartimento@uniupo.it , using your university email account and attaching a copy of a valid identity document.
To complete registration, you must pay the fee for the exam and the stamp duty online.  

How can I transfer internally, from one course to another?

To transfer from one course to another inside UPO, you must complete the appropriate form, which can be downloaded from the university website: “Infostudenti-Modulistica per studenti-Atti di carriera” (Infostudenti – Forms for students – Course management documents”. The transfer is not possible to request at any random time of the year: applications must arrive in the period between 29 August and 30 November of the year in progress. The application must be sent to the Student Services Office to allegati.acronimodelpropriodipartimento@uniupo.it, using your university email account. If you wish to pass to a course with admission test you must request a no-impediment certificate from the Student Services Office of the course you wish to apply for; if you wish to pass to a state-regulated course, you must check the notices published on the website of the department before making any changes. Obviously, in both latter cases, approval of the application will depend on the number of places available.  

I am enrolled with another University, how can I enrol with UPO?

To transfer to an open access course at UPO from another university, you must first apply to your current university for a transfer in compliance with their procedures, deadlines and costs. When our Student Services Office receives the no-impediment certificate from the original university (which must be dated no later than 30 November 2022), you will be informed by email and can start the ‘registration for transfer’ process in accordance with the instructions supplied by our Office. If you wish to transfer to a limited numbers course, you will be accepted only in the event of remaining places at the end of the application period. If you wish to transfer to a state-regulated course, you must first check the Calls on the site of each department.

How can I transfer to another University?

The application to transfer to another university must be made online, between 29 August and 30 November of the year in progress, to the Student Services Office by email allegati.acronimodelpropriodipartimento@uniupo.it. Also, a transfer fee of €100 must be paid along with the online Stamp Duty of €16 via the Student Portal in the “Payments” section.
Obviously, before proceeding, you must check that your intended destination university is willing to accept you, particularly in the case of restricted number or state-controlled degree courses. In this case, you must attach the no-impediment certificate that the destination university supplies to you.
You may not request a transfer if your payment of fees to UPO is not up-to-date.


How can I withdraw from a course?

You can withdraw from a course directly via the Student Portal, in the section “University Studies – Application to end programme”. To complete withdrawal, an online Stamp Duty must be paid (€16) after filling in the form. Your university registration will cease once the procedure is complete, on condition that all fee payments are up-to-date, all exams taken have been registered, and there be no reason that can obstruct withdrawal.

Previously-paid fees will not be reimbursed.

Cos’è la NO TAX AREA?

La no tax area ti permette di essere esonerato dall’intera contribuzione per l’a.a. di riferimento, esclusi il pagamento della tassa regionale e dell’imposta da bollo della prima rata.
Si può usufruire della No Tax Area solo se sono rispettati tutti i requisiti seguenti:

  • ISEE ? 30.000,00€ 
  • Presentazione regolare dell’ISEE per prestazioni agevolate per il diritto allo studio universitario;
  • Non essere fuori corso.

e almeno uno dei seguenti requisiti

  • Iscrizione al primo anno;
  • Iscrizione al secondo anno con conseguimento di almeno 10 CFU entro il 10 agosto 2022;
  • Iscrizione ad anni successivi con conseguimento di almeno 25 CFU tra l’11 agosto 2021 e il 10 agosto 2022.
I applied for an incoming transfer, can I have my previous exams endorsed?

Yes. You must send our Office (email allegati.acronimodelpropriodipartimento@uniupo.it) the completed form for  Recognition of University Exams (download from the forms section), in order to have your previous exams endorsed. The form must include a detailed list of all exams taken complete with marks, pass or fail status in tests and/or eligibility. To complete the first part of the process, it is necessary to pay the online Stamp Duty of €16,00 (you can find this in the Payment sections of the Student Portal). Next, the Student Services Office will forward your application to the Exam Recognition Board of your course of study.

I have just returned from the Erasmus programme, how can I have my exams approved and registered?

For the conversion of academic credits collected abroad during the Erasmus+ programme, follow the simple procedure outlined on the  page All about Erasmus, step by step

I already have a degree and want to take another similar degree, how can I have my exams approved and the credits counted?

After enrolment, you can ask for the course to be ‘shortened’ by applying to the Board of Studies to have your credits approved and accredited. You can find the form on the university website in the ““Infostudenti-Modulistica per studenti-Atti di carriera” (Infostudenti – Forms for students – Course management documents”. Once the student section of this form is complete, carefully listing the details of exams you wish to be accredited, send it to the Student Services Office by email allegati.acronimodelpropriodipartimento@uniupo.it, using your university email account and attaching a copy of a valid identity document (front and back). For second degrees, there is no discount on student fees.

I have taken no exams, do I need to enrol again for the first year?

No, you must register for the second year and, at the same time, catch up on the exams not taken in the first year. Pay attention to the prerequisites for the exams, particularly for scientific courses.

I want to study abroad; what are my options?

The University offers you two options for your study trip abroad:

  1. Erasmus+, for study purposes (3-12 months) and internship (2-6 months). Each year, a Call is announced and the procedure for application is published on the university website in the International-Students section. If you wish to participate in Erasmus, you will receive a study grant to help cover the basic needs of your stay.
  2. Free mover, an autonomous study trip abroad that you must manage yourself; you must apply for your stay at the university of your choice and be approved in time; you must manage your academic commitments, exams, traineeships or courses to follow, and the credits can be added to your Italian study records. You can find the form to apply on the Free Mover page.
    There are no scholarships available and, unlike Erasmus+, you may have to pay both the UPO university fees and fees/taxes in your destination university.


How is the degree certificate issued?

The University organises a Graduation Day to present degree certificates, usually in the first week of June. 
Generally, the certificates are ready for collection from the sixth month after graduation. An appointment must be made to collect them, with the Student Services Office of your department, and a valid identity card must be presented at the appointment. A delegate (with written authorisation) may also be nominated to collect it.

What is suspension of studies?

You can suspend your studies only if you become a parent within the academic year in question (and suspension is valid for one year only) or in the event of serious and prolonged illness. The procedure for suspension of studies is the same as withdrawal (hypertest link from question 16).

After withdrawal or suspension of studies, how can I return to studying at UPO?

When you can/wish to return to studying at UPO, you must pay a fee of €150 for each year of withdrawal/suspension, and return to paying the regular university fees.

When can I request withdrawal from the course?

You may ask to withdraw by completing the form in “Infostudenti-Forms for Students”, only if:

  • You wish to register on a Master’s degree of first or second grade
  • You wish to enter an Italian military academy
  • You wish to enter a music academy
  • You wish to study at a foreign university

The request must be made before the beginning of the academy year, i.e., before enrolment and payment of course fees, and a withdrawal fee of €166 must be paid.

N.B. The exemption must be presented at the beginning of every academic year in which you choose to remain withdrawn from the course, it is not a single document.


If two or more members of the same family register with UPO, is there a fee reduction?

No, for the moment there is no family reduction.

Quando si verifica la decadenza della carriera?

La decadenza della carriera avviene automaticamente se si verifica una di queste situazioni:

  • Non si rinnova l’inscrizione per almeno tre anni (per le Lauree Triennali), per almeno due anni (per le Lauree Magistrali) o per almeno 5/6 anni (per le Lauree Magistrali a Ciclo Unico);
  • Se non si superano esami per almeno tre anni (per le Lauree Triennali), per almeno due anni (per le Lauree Magistrali) o per almeno 5/6 anni (per le Lauree Magistrali a Ciclo Unico);
  • Se si è iscritti contemporaneamente a due o più corsi di Studio diversi dell’UPO o di altre Università (salvo nei casi previsti dalla normativa vigente).

La decadenza non si verifica mai se si è in debito solo della prova finale.

I am graduating in an autumn or extraordinary session but the Student Portal has assigned charges to my account. Can I ignore them?

It is the period of registration for the new academic year and you are charged for fees but you have completed the normal duration of your course (or part-time if chosen) and you wish to graduate by 30/04. In this situation, irrespective of whether you have finished your exams or not, you can choose not to enrol on the academic year and wait to see if you succeed in graduating by 30/04.

You do not need to complete any forms, simply ignore the payment charge. As a safety measure, if you usually used ISEE certification, request this again as laid down in the Students Handbook and Fees: if you do not graduate by 30/04, you will need it. On 30/04, you will find yourself in one of these two situations:

  • You have graduated: no fees are due.
  • You have not graduated: you must pay the fees for the academic year (based on your ISEE if you requested this within the deadlines indicated in the Handbook), plus a penalty fee of €150 (the penalty is a one-off payment if you pay all the expired instalments at the same time).
Mi laureerò alla triennale nella sessione straordinaria del 21/22. Come posso fare per iniziare a seguire i corsi della magistrale prima di conseguire effettivamente il titolo?

Se conseguirai la Laurea Triennale nella sessione straordinaria 21/22, potrai iscriverti a tutti i corsi singoli previsti per il secondo semestre del primo anno del CdS magistrale cui sei interessata/o per l’a.a. 22/23. In questo caso, piuttosto che pagare ogni singolo corso, potrai pagare una somma forfettaria. Così, potrai avere riconosciuti già parte dei CFU e potrai essere esonerata/o dal pagamento della seconda rata per l’iscrizione al corso di laurea magistrale a.a. 23/24.

Cosa succede se non pago una rata?

Qualora non fosse pagata una rata universitaria oltre la scadenza riportata sull’avviso di pagamento, la carriera verrà automatica bloccata e non potrai più accedere alle regolari attività didattiche dell’UPO. I pagamenti oltre le normali scadenze sono soggetti all’applicazione di una mora.

Quali e cosa sono i contributi particolari?

I contributi particolari sono quelli da pagare nel caso in cui tu abbia richieste speciali da somministrare alla Segreteria Studenti del tuo Dipartimento o della tua Scuola. 
Tali richieste sono inerenti a specifiche documentazioni richieste, come Duplicati del libretto universitario in caso di dichiarazione/denuncia di smarrimento, Riconoscimento del titolo accademico estero… 
Puoi trovare tutte le informazioni del caso al capitolo 4, par. 12, del Manifesto degli Studi e della Contribuzione a.a. 2022/2023.

Quando posso richiedere l’esonero totale?

Puoi richiedere l’esonero totale solo in una delle seguenti situazioni:

  • Sei vincitore di borsa di studio EDISU;
  • Hai un certificato di invalidità pari almeno al 66% o hai ricevuto il riconoscimento di disabilità o handicap;
  • Sei Caregiver unico famigliare convivente di persona con invalidità pari almeno al 66% o con il riconoscimento di disabilità o handicap;
  • Sei un invalido o mutilato civile in un nucleo famigliare con disagiata condizione economica;
  • Possiedi lo status di rifugiata/o, profuga/o o sei titolare di protezione internazionale.

Per ulteriori e più dettagliate informazioni: cap.5, par.6.1 del Manifesto).

Quando posso richiedere l’esonero parziale?

Puoi richiedere l’esonero parziale solo in una delle seguenti situazioni:

  • Sei in possesso di un certificato di invalidità compreso tra il 50% e il 65%;
  • Sei un/a detenuto/a;
  • Hai lo status di rifugiato/a, profugo/a o sei titolari di protezione internazionale (qualora tu non sia in possesso di tutti i requisiti descritti link a cap.5, par.6.1 del Manifesto);
  • Sei vittima di reati della criminalità organizzata;
  • Sei un/a dipendente di ruolo dell’Ateneo;
  • Sei caregiver non unico famigliare convivente di persona con disabilità o handicap o certificazione di invalidità parti almeno al 66%.

Per ulteriori e più dettagliate informazioni consulta il Manifesto.

Quando posso accedere all’esonero straordinario per merito?

Puoi richiedere l’esonero straordinario per merito una sola volta durante il percorso universitario e solo se sei in possesso di tutti e tre questi requisiti:

  • Ti stai iscrivendo al primo anno della Magistrale;
  • Hai conseguito la Laurea Triennale in corso;
  • Hai ricevuto una votazione pari o superiore a 100/110.

L’esonero straordinario per merito ti permette di pagare la seconda tassa in misura fissa di €10,00. La prima rata coinciderà con il solo pagamento della Tassa Regionale e della relativa Marca da Bollo.

Cosa sono i premi di studio?

I premi di studio sono stanziati dall’Ateneo in base alla disponibilità di fondi. Qualora vengano istituiti, verranno pubblicati sul sito web di Ateneo alla pagina “Servizi – Borse e Agevolazioni”.

Posso laurearmi prima del tempo previsto?

Sì, ma solo se non sei iscritto ad uno dei seguenti CdS:

  • Medicina e Chirurgia
  • Farmacia
  • CTF

Puoi trovare maggiori informazioni a riguardo sul sito web del tuo Dipartimento.