Incoming transfers

Incoming transfers for free access courses

Transfer requests for degree courses with free access must be requested from the university of origin. The University of Eastern Piedmont will accept all applications that report on the leave sheet a date for submitting the application no later than 1 December 2023.

Incoming transfers presented within the deadlines, but not regularized with the payment of fees within twenty days from the communication from the Secretariat, and transfers received but presented after 1 December 2023, will be returned to the Structure and University of origin.

In any case, if you have applied for an incoming transfer, you will be able to complete your enrollment only after the Student Administration Office has received all the necessary documentation. We suggest you verify the sending and subsequent receipt of the documentation by the competent structures, in time for the completion of the registration.

After completing the enrollment application from incoming transfer, you can fill in the following online format for the request of recognition of past credits:

Upon receipt by the student secretariat, a €16.00 revenue stamp will be generated in the Student Portal and the request will be evaluated by the competent teaching body.

At the end of the assessment, the student secretariat will upload the transfer resolution to the Student Portal and you will be notified via email.

Incoming transfers for degree courses with restricted access

In order to transfer to the single-cycle master's degree course in Medicine and Surgery, the criteria are defined in the relative call for admission published on the website of the School of Medicine, if any places are available. For courses in the Health Professions and courses in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, the availability of places is indicated on the websites of the Departments concerned, into the degree courses section. The transfer for degree courses with restricted access is obtained after the issuing of the “nulla osta” document by the teaching structure of destination, to which it must be requested within the terms and according to the rules established by the same.