ICDL - International Certification of Digital Literacy


If you are a UPO student, or a UPO graduate within a year, or a member of UPO Alumni Association, or a UPO employee, you can achieve ICDL certifications by taking the exams at our University.

ICDL (International Certification of Digital Literacy) is the former ECDL (European Computer Driving License), which testifies the possession of basic computer skills, verified by passing specific exams, whose content is defined in an international Syllabus. Many international institutions recognize the importance of digital literacy.

The ICDL is a digital certificate. Our University has an agreement (resolution of the Board of Directors 1/2018 / 12.1 of 26/01/2018) with AICA, the Italian Association for Computer Science and Automatic Calculation, which is the body that provides ICDL exams and certifications.

At our University, the ICDL Test Centers accredited to deliver ICDL courses and exams are:  DISEI - Department of Economics and Business Studies (Novara), DIGSPES - Department of Law and Political, Economic and Social Sciences (Alessandria ) and DISUM - Department of Humanities (Vercelli). On their sites you can find all useful information.

We suggest you to read the procedures directly on the website of the Department where you are going to enter the test:

The University contact person for ICDL is Dr. Marisa Arcisto.