Booking the study rooms

As of 4 October 2021, the new online booking service Prenotazione aule studio is activated, allowing you to book your seat in one of the UPO study rooms quickly and easily. The booking system monitors the number of available places with safe distancing in each room, supplying a QR code to show at the entrance to the premises of the study room: if you are already inside the building for lessons, you must still book your place and return to the reception area to scan your code before going to the study room.

The following study rooms are available:

    • Caserma Perrone
      • Ground floor corridor (56 places)
      • Classroom 109 (24 places)
      • Reading Room 1 (12 places)
      • Reading Room 2 (12 places)
      • Room R24 (8 places)
    • Largo Donegani
      • Study room on ground floor (44 places)
      • Study room on 1st floor (16 places)
      • Study room on 2nd floor (14 places)
      • Corridor on 1st floor (19 places)
      • Corridor on 2nd floor (12 places)
    • Via Lanino
      • Ground floor study room (15 places)
    • Viale T. Michel
      • Study room (60 places)
    • Corso Borsalino
      • IT Lab LIP on 1st floor (8 places)
      • IT Lab BLU on 2nd floor (23 places)
      • IT Lab AL.EX on 2nd floor (12 places)
    • Ex Ospedaletto
      • Ground floor study room (14 places)
      • Study room in basement floor (17 places)
    • S. Giuseppe 
      • Aula studio (35 posti)
    • Sacro Cuore
      • Aula studio (40 posti)

It will be possible to occupy a place in the room for around 2 hours within the following timetable:

  • From 8am to 10am
  • From 10am to 12pm
  • From 2pm to 4pm
  • From 4pm to 6.30 pm

Each student can make a maximum of 2 bookings per day, also in different locations, every day from Monday to Friday.