Call for Research Ideas 2020

The Call for Research Ideas is designed to increase internationalisation in research and encourage the establishment of international partnerships.

Project ideas will be selected that propose a project under the supervision of the forwarding University, responding to one of the following Calls from the European Commission:

  1. COST action with deadline on 29/4/2020 at 12pm and subsequent session (Autumn 2020)
  2. Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – RISE with deadline on 28/04/2020

Please visit the page of the European Commission where the Calls are published:

Each project selected in the Call for Research Ideas 2020 may be funded for up to a maximum of 10, 000 euro.

The project idea, must be presented in accordance with the form here below, by Friday 28 February 2020 – 5pm by email to