The UPO Research Portal offers an overview of academic research findings and University expertise. The scientific publications on PURE have been retrieved from the University IRIS repository, while the research projects are implemented through the UPO Projects database.
In Pure the following entities are visible: the departments, researcher profiles, research studies and funded projects. The portal reveals the University-employed researchers, i.e. full and associate professors and researchers (also with fixed term contracts).
Through the advanced search tool and “finger prints”, the Portal allows anyone interested (companies, researchers, communication offices, other universities) to identify and verify UPO academic/scientific expertise in order to activate collaborations and projects.
The interactive map of the UPO and researchers’ partnership network shows the active collaboration of the University with national and international external parties.
The social impact in achieving sustainable development goals (SDGs – UN) is visible in the Agenda 2030 section.
The website can be accessed via this link:
Our thanks go to Compagnia di San Paolo for contributing to the purchase of the PURE platform.
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