History, Art and Literature

- Transatlantic Transfers: The Italian Presence in Post-War America

Transatlantic Transfers: the Italian presence in post–war America (TT) aims at reassessing the role of Italian culture in the definition of a distinctive cosmopolitan, urban style in America in the years following World War II, and specifically through 1949 and 1972, dates of two exhibitions held at MoMA and reasoning on Italian culture, XX Century Italian Art and Italy. The new domestic landscape. 

- Global Europeanness: toward a differentiated approach to global history 1450-1900

Global Europeanness (GLE) sets out to analyse the consequences in historical practices produced by global expansion of historic experience in the last half-century. Specifically, the project aims to redefine the concept of globality in the modern era (1450-1900). “Global history” and “world history” have recently emerged as two historiographic concepts of undoubted importance in contemporary discourse, as they are based on an analytical model of interconnections between different players and realities.