- Horizon 2020


This is the funding programme managed directly by the European Commision for research and innovation, active from 1st January 2014 to 31 December 2020. The programme brought together past funding from the Seventh Framework Programme for activity of research, technological development and demonstration activities, from the Framework Programme for Competitiveness and Innovation (CIP) and from the European Institute for Innovation and Technology (IET).

It aims to cover the entire research chain – from frontier research to technological development, from demonstration/assessment of results to the innovation which permeates the whole programme. The Horizon 2020 structure is based on three pillars:      

  1. Scientific Excellence
  2. Industrial Leadership
  3. Societal Challenges

It is also accompanied by four horizontal activities:

  1. Spread of excellence and widening of participation
  2. Science with and for Society
  3. Non-nuclear direct actions with the Common Centre of Research
  4. European Institute of Innovation and Technology (IET)

The UPO has currently received funding for 20 projects.