How it works

The AlmaLaurea  website provides tools to evaluate student results and career choices.

  • “Your department’s profile” allows you to compare your university results with those of other courses and universities
  • “Numbers of graduates who find employment after graduation” allows you to know how many graduates in your degree programme have found work, after how much time, how much they earn and their job satisfaction levels.

There are also tools to help choose your future career:

  • “Search for job opportunities” is the noticeboard where companies publish their job openings for graduates every day. You can apply directly by sending them your CV online
  • “After graduation; post-graduate educational opportunities” is the noticeboard where you can find official courses pre-approved by the universities (Masters’ courses, Specialisation Schools, advanced training courses, research doctorates, etc)

If you need help using the service, consult "Online Assistance"; for a query on specific issues, contact Graduate Service.