Spoken communication. Online meeting for the international experts on linguistics


From 5th to 7th May 2021, the Università del Piemonte Orientale, thanks to its Department of Humanities and in collaboration with Italian Society on Linguistics (SLI) and with the Study Group on Spoken Communication of the SLI, will gather online one hundred linguistic experts in the international conference "La comunicazione parlata - Spoken Communication" (website).

Language, its written codes and its declination in the discursive dimension, has the power to define the relationship between human beings. Messages, sounds used to produce them and the complex system of rules that determine their reception and interpretation will be investigated from multiple points of view. 

The meeting will be broadcast in streaming on the Università del Piemonte Orientale YouTube channel (visit the channel).

All information and the complete program can be found following this link: https://gscp2020.uniupo.it/home


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