Guidelines of the Regional University Coordination Committee extended until 6th April

Law Decree no. 29 of 12th March 2021 leaves unchanged the Guidelines of the Regional Committee for the Coordination of Universities (published on the website on 5th March).

Therefore, from 15th March to 6th April, the following provisions are in force:

  • Classroom lessons are suspended and replaced with distance modes. Lecturers must carry out their teaching in offices or classrooms in their own Departments, in order to guarantee the best connections and the necessary technical assistance.
  • Winter session exams (written and oral) will be held in presence.
  • Graduation exams and proclamations will take place online. The practical examinations for the qualifying degrees in health professions may be held in presence.
  • Laboratory, teaching and research activities will take place in classrooms.
  • Internships will be held in presence.
  • Training activities for doctors undergoing specialised training and trainees in the health professions will be carried out in presence of participants, according to the procedures currently in force.
  • Activities relating to university master's courses and further education courses will take place in presence.
  • Library services will be available for consultation and lending.
  • Study rooms are managed by the Ente per il Diritto allo Studio (E.Di.S.U.), so please refer to the specific communications that E.Di.S.U. will provide.
  • Students may be received in presence by appointment.
  • Regardind work activities of the University Staff, the General Manager will apply the provisions of Law Decree no. 29 of 12th March 2021.

It should also be noted that smart working is not applicable to university teaching staff, not even in accordance with the provisions of art. 22 of Law Decree no. 137 of 28th October 2020; therefore, the activities of professors, researchers and contract teaching staff must be carried out in presence.

All in-presence activities must strictly comply with prevention and safety protocols.

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