Back on stage! TiLLiT acting students will perform at the Teatro Civico and online on 9th and 10th June 2021

The UPO TiLLiT project (university theatre in foreign languages) reaches its seventeenth edition, once again hosted by the prestigious stage of Vercelli's Teatro Civico on 9 and 10 June 2021 from 8:30 pm. After the 2020 virtual edition this year the performances will be presented live from the Teatro Civico.

The shows will not yet be open to the public; however, they will be accessible to everyone via streaming on the UPO YouTube channel (here).

The shows are suitable for everyone because of their expressive and entertaining nature. They are recommended, of course, to those who study and love foreign languages, to all teachers and secondary school students, as well as to all university students. It will be an excellent opportunity to introduce the UPO's educational project of excellence to those who have never been able to attend the festival in person.

Following the tested formula that combines foreign language learning and theatre, TiLLiT confirms its international vocation: in addition to the performances of the four TiLLiT UPO groups in foreign languages (English, French, Spanish, German), there will be an English-language performance by the French company Choreographers of Speech (Université de Bordeaux-Montaigne, France), which has been a regular guest of the Vercelli festival for many years.

The festival, very unique in its kind across Italy and Europe for its longevity, is thus approaching its maturity while maintaining intact the passion, energy and desire to communicate, to overcome all barriers. «Doing theatre with students," says Marco Pustianaz, professor of English literature, who has always been part of the core staff of TiLLiT, "has helped us survive the distancing, the impoverishment of relationships, the solitude, and will continue to do so for a long time to come, we are sure.»


Program of the shows:

9 june, 8:30pm

- TilliT Deutsch UPO, Spiegelbilder

(Michaela Reinhardt e TiLLit Deutsch)

- TilliT English UPO, Love and Revolution

(Marco Pustianaz and TiLLiT English, adapt. from Oscar Wilde, Vera, or the Nihilists)


10 june, 8:30pm

- TiLLiT Español UPO, El sí de las niñas

(Carlos Jiménez Climent, adapt. from Leandro Fernández de Moratín)

- Choreographers of Speech (Université Bordeaux-Montaigne)

“What did he expect? Did he think he would come back?” Moving through Jacob’s Room

(adapt. from Virginia Woolf)

- TilliT Français UPO, Du rififi au Petit théâtre du Sans souci

(Laurence Audéoud and TiLLiT Français)