The Central Committee for Equality and Non-Discrimination (CUG – Comitato Unico di Garanzia) is responsible for issues of equal opportunities, promotion of staff wellbeing and tackling of discrimination.

Anyone who believes themselves to be the victim of emotional or psychological abuse, direct or indirect discrimination based on gender, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, language, religion, disability, political opinions or personal/social status can report the situation to the CUG (e mail:

The CUG has propositional, advisory and verification roles. Its goal is the mediation and resolution of conflict and it does not replace judicial authorities. It makes use of the support of a Confidential Counsellor, an advisor who tackles discrimination and abuse in the work/study place. Its duties and powers are laid down in para. 20 of the Statute.

The current full members of the CUG are:

  • Prof Alessandra Gennari – representative of the Administration and acting as Chair;
  • Prof Luca Savarino – representative of the Management;
  • Dr Ombretta Finotello– representative of the Management;
  • Dr Angela Nunnari – representative of the trade union organisation Federazione UIL Scuola RUA.

Substitute members: